I would like to introduce everyone to the new AndroidChat website and perspective we at AndroidChat are taking. The new website opens the doors for people interested in sharing their experience with development or IT entrepreneurship. Many of us at AndroidChat have the urge to start our own blog, but don’t want to leave our readers hanging when we cannot keep the content flowing. We aim for this blog to be community-driven and hope to have some great authors and developers come forward.

The website is now also completely hosted on Github Pages and is of course open source. Github allows you to make a pull request to submit a new blog post. All contributing information is available on repository if you’re interested in contributing.

After a new blog post has been published, an announcement will be posted in #_announcements, a tweet will be sent out on @AndroidChatCo and the post can be discussed on the Slack team. Make yourself stand out more and submit your own post!